In a 65-year company history
Pantel-Elektronik AG has emerged as a reliable and innovative E²MS provider, supporting their customers with a broad range of services, extensive innovative capability and a high level of economic efficiency.
A success story for 65 years
1959 Elektroautomation H.J. Pantel is launched
1972 Company becomes a supplier for the automotive industry
1986 Pantel Elektronik GmbH is formed in Germany
1993 Production commences in the Czech Republic
1999 Production commences in Romania
2003 Transfer of production from the Czech Republic to Romania
2008 Second production plant is opened in Romania
2010 Expansion in Romania
2013 “Long Board” production commences (printed circuit boards up to 1.5 metres)
2015 Completion of an additional 1,000 sqm production hall only for “Long Board”
2018 Production expansion by 2,500 square meters in the 2nd production site
2019 Opening of the 3rd production site in Romania