
Send us a message

Pantel-Elektronik AG

Felix-Klein Str. 75A
91058 Erlangen, Deutschland

Tel:           +49 9131 694-0
Email:       kontakt(at)


Vorstand: Dipl.-Ing. Alexander Grinjuks, Klaus Hermann
Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrates: 
Peter Pantel

+49 9131 694-0


Visit our factory in Erlangen/Germany


Erlangen / Germany

Timisoara / Rumänien

(Google Maps is not displaying the correct position on the map. The actual position may differ by several hundred meters.)

Caransebes / Rumänien

(Google Maps is not displaying the correct position on the map. The actual position may differ by several hundred meters.)

Bistrita / Rumänien

(Google Maps is not displaying the correct position on the map. The actual position may differ by several hundred meters.)